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Dar & Big



Starting late Monday night Dar continued her nesting behavior.  She only ate a small amount of her evening meal. She wanted to stay in her crate, plus a lot of changing positions and going outside. She decided to go to the whelping box and so did I.  So she and I stayed by the whelping box.  Finally at midnight she started hard labor and the first female was born at 0437.  From then until about 3 in the afternoon the babies kept coming 4 males and 3 females  for a total of 7 babies.
All 7  - the whole brood
It is an exhausting job having all these babies
# 116.5 oz  Silver Female   Gaga
            19.6 oz  @ 2days 
#217.1 oz  Silver Male   Prince
            20  oz @ 2 days
#316.5 ozSilver Male  Bruce
           19.8 oz  @ 2 days
#4 14.9 ozSilver Female  Pink
             17.6oz @ 2 days
#515.3 ozSilver Female  Madonna
           18.7 oz @ 2 days
#713 ozSilver Male  Elvis
            18.4 oz @ 2 days

Dar watches over the babies
WoW what a bright pink nose
#617.3 ozSilver Male  Jonny
           22.0 oz @ 2 days